My studio mannequin--Edith Head dons her March outfit |
Had a great conversation with Diane at Whimzy about "letting go". It is difficult to say goodbye to a stack of charger plates, paper mache boxes, wooden garden shapes --all initially sparked creative ideas that simply haven't come to fruition. At a certain point, keeping all these "idea" items (some for years) seems selfish and counterproductive. My storage space needs to be relatively clutterfree - climbing over "schtuff" or moving boxes to get to the "schtuff" beneath is time consuming and frustrating. So I cleared out the excess.
Took left over items to class and offered them as a "Thank You for Painting with Me" to my students. They were thrilled. It was extremely rewarding to watch my old, unused items find new homes. Ideas flew around the room. My students came up with great project ideas and immediately scheduled class time to launch their creativity into reality.
Returned to my studio inspired. Ready to create. Ready for Spring.