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  • Jenelle Van de MortelI want to encourage all - especially those gals between 40 and 60, 70, 80 to follow their creative dreams. It is never too late to reinvent ourselves. Remember Beatrice Woods started sculpting to international acclaim at the age of 70!

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Lovely pictures. Looks like you had some fun shopping too.

chateau de fleurs

hi Janelle, so good to see you and meet your husband. Im glad you enjoyed yourselves! Christie


Love Love the photos. Thank you for coming and for choosing one of my signs too. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

Lydia Says

Jenelle, the flower fields are beautiful. Sounds like you and Mike had a lovely day. Rita and Christys booth is really pretty. Lydia

Kay Ellen

Aaahhhh looks like a really fun day!Hope you had a wonderful Easter too :))Kay Ellen

Cheryl Waters

What a fun post!!! I love the Spring in your step!!! I missed Vintage Marketplace but always a lovely time! Love the awesome share!

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