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  • Jenelle Van de MortelI want to encourage all - especially those gals between 40 and 60, 70, 80 to follow their creative dreams. It is never too late to reinvent ourselves. Remember Beatrice Woods started sculpting to international acclaim at the age of 70!

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Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique

Hi Jenelle! Thanks so much for your sweet compliments. Im hoping to post the before and afters soon. I wish I had more time to blog more often but its difficult trying to balance my home and family, work and my blog. I dont know how some women do it all! Anyway, congratulations on your class at Whimzys! Praying you have a wonderful and creative day. Those books are so cute!Blessings to you,Missy


Jenelle,I am looking so forward to making my own journal! I will have cupcakes to celebrate! See you tomorrow!

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