Christianne Kinder, 17, in Henry Meynell Rheam's The Fairy Wood, 1903 Pencil, watercolor |
Pageant of the Masters is a series of tableaux vivants--"living pictures"--stage sets, actors and lighting uniquely combined to recreate famous paintings. Breathtaking is the term that comes to mind (hey, and its not a superlative!!)
Can't believe I am a native So Cal gal who never attended The Pageant of The Masters until last week. Our friends from Norway, John and Hilde, were the impetus for actually getting tickets--and I am so thrilled we did! The theme this year is "Only in Make Believe"...
Another perfect summer night in Laguna Beach. The performance is held in an outdoor theater--similar to the Hollywood Bowl, but smaller with a much more intimate feel.
At first, I thought it was just folks in make up from the neck up, poking their faces into the stage set and I was disappointed. Here is a pic of what I erroneously thought was happening-
A "corny" picture of Mike |
Once I looked through my binoculars -- I realized the magnitude of what had been created on stage:
Sideview Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1866 John Tenniel Wood block print illustration |
St. George Reliquary, 1590 Hans Schleich Mixed Media, gold, jewels enamel |
The statute above was DAZZLING. All the jewels sparkling--with the binoculars you can see all the intricate detail. I kept waiting to see the actors breathe or move--didn't see either. How they hold the poses without any visible movement for 5 - 8 minutes is seriously amazing.
Mary Aslin's "Beautiful Distraction", 72 x 48, Pastel |
Afterwards we toured Festival of the Arts--booth after booth of incredible Laguna Beach artists. Above is the exquisite work of pastel artist,
Mary Aslin. Mike and I had the pleasure of meeting Mary at
Paulette Adam's Art in the Garden party earlier this year.
Mary working on a floral pastel in Paulette's garden |
I didn't want the evening to end. We took the Laguna Beach Trolley (free and open air!) back to the parking lot. Strolled to our car admiring the warm starlit sky completely rejuvinated and inspired.