I read the following on her blog and greatly enjoyed reading some things I didn't know about Jenny. I thought you might enjoy reading them as well:
:: With the Help of Michelle ::
Crescendo launched back in May of 2008. I was able to launch it with the help of my good friend, Michelle Ward, who designed my first blog banner and organized all the nuts and bolts to make it happen. For quite some time, the focus of my blog's content revolved around my role as Editor-in-Chief of Somerset Studio. It was a lot of work, and it was rewarding to be recognized for the work. Fun times.
:: Leap & Launch ::
In 2009, I decided to take a leap and launch CRESCENDOh.com. You can read my farewell letter to artists inthis post to give you a better idea of what all contributed to my decision to make the leap.
:: I Love My Family ::
Nothing I do could be done without the love and support of my family. I am married to Gerardo, and together, we have a daughter, Monica, and a son, Andrew. The four of us have a great time together and we also love our Silky Terrier pups, Toby and Scout. Get to know them here:
I grew up in a highly musical home. I play the cello, piano, guitar, and I've been learning to play the ukulele.
And I actually love to try and make people laugh:
- Side Effects of Latreese
- Shut Your Face (Yes, I grew up in Bakersfield and I worked at Der Wienerschnitzel)
- Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh
- Constructive Criticism Deconstructed
- Bigger Fish
- Top 10 Funniest People of 2010
Aside from family and work, I give my time to my mother soul. Here's a speech I had the honor of delivering as Commencement Speaker for UC Irvine. (UCLA is also my alma mater. It is where I earned my graduate degree. But the thing is, I was an Anteater before I was a Bruin.)
The term ART SAVES was something I started to say after watching the awesome film, Walk the Line. The most powerful scene for me was when the music scout told Johnny Cash the secret to singing and connecting with listeners. I highly recommend the film if you have a chance to watch it. For me, I know that when I'm totally lost, the way I can get back on track is through the creative process. There are a few speeches I've given that touch upon that:
- Squam Art Workshops 2009 Opening Remarks
- Silver Bella 2010 Closing Remarks
- Pay it Forward & Enjoy the Process
I am passionate about the topic of water. It is the foundation for life. And there's a whole lot of people in this world without proper access to water. It's unimaginable. I want to try and help. I'm going to help.
- Crafting My Best Life
- Crafting Fitness
- I also love to motivate and help people dig deep and find ways to move forward ... and have a special place where I do that here:
I create books. Here are the ones I've made (so far):
- We Make Dolls! (June, 2012)
- Hand in Hand (April, 2012)
- Creative Pilgrimage (January, 2012)
- Art Saves
- Signature Styles
- Where Women Create: Book of Inspiration (co-author)
Jenny :)PS :: There are other things I love ... like hard workers, active listeners, staying fit, knitting, hot shoes, and ... well ... I'll let you discover the rest as you look around.
Thanks for the great plug! Excited to see you Jenelle!!
Posted by: Beth | 09/21/2011 at 05:00 PM
Sounds like a great event, Jenelle. Too bad its so far from South Florida. :( I hope you enjoy it.Thanks for the link to Crescendo. Loved it.Much love,Marcia
Posted by: One Heart | 09/27/2011 at 05:00 PM