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  • Jenelle Van de MortelI want to encourage all - especially those gals between 40 and 60, 70, 80 to follow their creative dreams. It is never too late to reinvent ourselves. Remember Beatrice Woods started sculpting to international acclaim at the age of 70!

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Lisa Loria

Your speech was awesome! Had coffee with Julie Nutting yesterday and told her about your speech. We have a group of 4 already and are meeting on the 19th. Thank you for your wisdom!Much Love,Lisa


I can still hear you....LYC was and is a great experience. Thank you Jenelle. Rita

Pansy Cottage Girl


Kay Ellen

I just love this! You are keeping it real my friend...I was recalling the first time we met and began to chat... I felt as if we had grown up together, a kindred friendship an artful sister!! We even got lost together! hahaI cant agree more about the negative input...well I like to call them Negative Nellys that come into our paths and try to tear us down and discourage us...we need to build each other up and share our art filled lives, and cheer each other on to the finish line!!Thank you for sharing from your heart, Kay Ellen


Sweet Jenelle,I LOVE your speech my friend...I so wish I had been there to hear you present it!!! What a moving tribute to the creative spirit & what it takes to make your passion become your reality. You are so right, Women Empowering Women...W.E.W. lol Support is key & simply being BRAVE surely helps! ;)Wonderful job...Smiles,Susie


So glad you published this!! Looking forward to hearing more speeches from you : )

Ivy and Elephants

Thank you so much for sharing this powerful message with us. It moves us to stop standing in the shadows and let the light that is within each of us shine. Inspiring!Patti

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