And the Winner is...
Thanks so much to everyone who participated
I used a random number generator and the winner is-
Tracy Verdugo
I love my copy of Creative Pilgrimage by Jenny Doh and thought I'd celebrate my week as
Art Saves Guest Curator on Crescendoh by giving away a copy of this amazing book to YOU!
Jenny's latest book is beautiful.
Loads of gor-gee-ous photos and filled with methods and techniques by all my favorite artists including
Flora Bowley, Alisa Burke, Julie Haymaker and Lisa Kaus.
Also includes "sneak peeks" into some of our favorite art retreats -
Artistic Bliss, The Makerie, Artfest, Art & Soul and Silver Bella.
To enter leave a comment below answering the question:
What is your new favorite color?
On Saturday, January 21, 2012, a winner will be selected -
I will send a copy of the Creative Pilgrimage signed by Jenny Doh to the lucky winner!
Thanks for stopping by.
Picking just one favorite color is difficult. I do have a new favorite color combination of purple, turquoise, and mustard yellow. Seeing those colors together really inspire me.
Posted by: Hope Amen | 01/16/2012 at 04:00 PM
Such a tricky question ... My new favorite colour is raspberry, directly influenced I am sure by the exquisite raspberry sorbet I enjoyed just yesterday afternoon. It tasted tart/sweet like fruit off the vine, and bursting with summer. Trina
Posted by: Trina | 01/16/2012 at 04:00 PM
A beautiful light turquoise - like the tee I just bought at a thrift store. It makes me feel young and filled with energy.
Posted by: Jayme | 01/16/2012 at 04:00 PM
Oh my goodness~~I wish I could have come to Jennys opening and celebrating... Excited to see her book and favorite friends included inside the pages:)Ok, being a designer I love all colors! Let see~~~~ so this week I would say I am loving Red :))xoKay Ellen
Posted by: Kay Ellen | 01/16/2012 at 04:00 PM
This winter I have been amazed by my Colorado sunset colors -orange, pinks, purples, blues. This color wheel varies from soft and fluffy like a skein of mohair yarn to vibrant and bold as if the sky is on fire. My kids laugh @ me because I have been know to pull the car over to get out and take a picture! Such a different angle of colors to love as I usually wear black for my clothing choice ; ) Christine
Posted by: Christine | 01/17/2012 at 04:00 PM
My new favorite color is turquoise blue. You know, the color of the water in Cancun and the South Pacific...the color of birds wings that helps you spot them resting on a tree limb...the color of a friends gorgeously honest and caring eyes. For years Ive been all about green, especially lime green, but any shade of green sent my heart soaring...Now, lately turquoise has been making quite a show of herself!
Posted by: Linda Bannan | 01/17/2012 at 04:00 PM
My new favorite color is teal. Its hard to list just one color, but in this moment it is teal.
Posted by: Christy | 01/17/2012 at 04:00 PM
mmmmmmmm, my favorite color right now is like a golden honey color. Warm and soft and a little sweet for a cold winters day! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this lovely book!
Posted by: Teresa Jaye | 01/18/2012 at 04:00 PM
My favorite color today is red. Red is like a fire softly glowing giving warmth to my soul. Thank you for your lovely site, it gives such joy to women of all ages.Karen
Posted by: Anonymous | 01/19/2012 at 04:00 PM
my newest favorite color is neon hot pink. need some bright color to keep me motivated during the snowy, dreary winter. always fun to play with hot pink glitter to bling things up. thank you for the chance to win the book.
Posted by: inkytoes | 01/19/2012 at 04:00 PM
Hi Jenelle,thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful book! You know my work so you know I LOVE all colours but my fave at the moment is a shimmering lime with a turquoise glaze over the top...does that make it turquime or limoise?? Also wanted to say thanks for featuring my blog on Crescendoh...Ive had lots of lovely new visitors drop by:) Have a great week!love Tracy ♥
Posted by: Tracy Verdugo | 01/19/2012 at 04:00 PM
Having JUST had this very conversation with myself this morning I will say right now I am all about RED. For me there is a spectrum of emotion evoked from the color red. From deep, rich, and warm to happy, loud, and joyful. With everything else in between.I can get lost in the depth of its color or skate on the top of its brightness. Yes, I love RED right now. Love & Light, Laurie
Posted by: Laurie | 01/19/2012 at 04:00 PM
Hi Jenelle!LoVed reading your art saves story this morning on Jennys blog, it was beautifully written and a blessing! Today Im playing with hearts and the color of the day is a soft peachy pink! I look forward to checking out Creative Pilgrimage and all the gor-gee-ous photos of so many talented artists work, and learn about the art retreats that sound like SO much fun! Enjoy your weekend and thank you for the feature girlfriend!X o X paulette
Posted by: Summerland Cottage Studio | 01/20/2012 at 04:00 PM
Just found you via Artists In Blogland. Love your blog. My favourite colour of the moment is RUST... isnt it everyones?
Posted by: Jo Murray | 01/31/2012 at 04:00 PM